Stategies to Avoid Tips

Read these 7 Stategies to Avoid Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about SEO tips and hundreds of other topics.

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SEO Firms

Sure, we would all love to have our website ranked number one in popular search engines. But, one one can promise number one rankings. There are countless factors to consider in achieving high search engine rankings and many of the factors are beyond the control of the website owner. With so many outside aspects involved, it is unrealistic to believe that a SEO firm can guarantee you a specific ranking. Doing so is a clear sign of inexperience. Experienced and successful SEO firms realize they can do their best and create high rankings but cannot guarantee a specific ranking.


Don't Use Embedded Text or Embedded Links

Embedded text or links should not be used in website design that is intended to rank well in search engines. This includes the use of coding to create text and links that are not visible to website viewers but are visible to search engines. This is considered a deceptive search engine optimization (SEO) strategy and is likely to be penalized upon discovery by search engines. For this reason, it is considered not only a waste of time, but an effort that can do more harm than good. Embedded text and links offer no value to your visitors and can cause search engines to penalize your website.


Avoid Deceptive Search Engine Optimization Strategies

Deceptive search engine optimization (SEO) strategies such as cloaking and embedded links and text should be avoided. Cloaking involves serving websites that are specifically tailored for the IP address of the visitor. This enables websites to serve one website to regular visitors and another to search engines. The use of embedded links and text are another deceptive SEO strategy to avoid. This strategy entails creating text and links on your website that are not viewable by visitors but are seen by search engines as they crawl the website. Both of these SEO techniques may result in some original success in the form of increased search engine rankings. However, if the use of these techniques is detected it could result in your website being penalized by the search engine.


Don't Cloak Your Website

Cloaking is one very important don't in terms of search engine optimization (SEO). Cloaking is a deceptive technique that serves an optimized website to search engines and a different website to visitors. It may sound beneficial because you are giving search engines a website that will rank well and visitors an informative and useful website but this technique is not a good idea. Most search engines do not look favorably on the practice of cloaking. This SEO strategy may result in your website being penalized or even banned.


Don't Overuse Your Keywords

The content on your website can have a significant impact on the search engine rankings of your website but care should be taken to not overuse these keywords. Keyword density is the phrase most commonly used when search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for content are discussed. The keyword density applies to the number of times that the keyword or keyword phrase is used in relation to the total number of word in the entire article. The keyword density is largely debatable with anywhere from 2%-20% yielding success. However, one point that is largely agreed upon by industry experts is overuse of the keywords is not an effective strategy. Most search engine algorithms can detect when the keywords are not being used logically and your website might be banned if you are caught word stuffing.


Don't Spam to Bolster Your Rankings

There is a fine line between marketing your website and generating spam. Posting links to your website in inappropriate quantities and locations, sending mass emails with your website link and even word stuffing are considered versions of spam. Partaking in these activities can make your website unappealing to both visitors and search engines. Shamelessly promoting your website will irritate many potential visitors. They will view your prompts as spam and most likely not visit your website. Websites consider word stuffing to be spam. This includes using irrelevant keywords or overusing keywords. Search engines may penalize your website if it is deemed to be spam.


Link Farms are a Waste of Time

Participating in link farms is a waste of time in terms of search engine optimization (SEO). A link farm is a website that offers nothing more to visitors other than links to other websites. Each of the websites listed on a particular link farm website has their own website where they in turn provide a link to all of the other websites in the program. These link farms were originally created as a way of providing members with a large number of inbound links. When this SEO strategy was developed it was believed that submitting to several of these groups would help to ensure excellent search engine placements. However, popular search engines such as Google use the PageRank of the linking website to determine the weight that will be placed on the inbound link, rendering link farms virtually useless in these search engines.

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